Tuesday, June 11, 2013

50 Project Oriented Ideas for Homeschooling

Scrapbooking is a great way to save homeschool memories.

Over the many years of homeschooling our four sons we've enjoyed some wonderful projects—perfect for school subjects, fill-ins, rainy days, or simply just an enjoyable part of family get-togetherness and learning.

Hands-on projects are one of the best ways for children to learn. They become engaged in something worthwhile and produce a finished product which they can save or share, and they gain and grow in numerous ways from each accomplishment. Unit studies were the norm for us through the years, and had I known about them earlier, notebooks and lapbooks would have been utilized a bit more.

These are ideas from a list I made awhile ago, fashioned from the top of my head and from resource books that I have read. Reading through this list often gave us an offshoot of something creative that worked for us, and perhaps you'll find ideas of something that will work for you. 

They are geared for middle to high school years, though you can adjust the activity to meet each child's capabilities. Our four boys were approximately three years apart and we worked on many of the same units and projects on different levels at the same time. It most always worked to our advantage!

There are endless exciting activities you could add to your own list, but above all—

Make it Fun!

1. Make a list of all of the things you would like to do someday (be creative); then start doing them, crossing off one at a time.

2. Write a simplified children's book utilizing information that you are learning and studying about. Illustrate it. Or make a poster.

3. Teach your younger siblings something you find fascinating. Write an evaluation.

4. Make a detailed (to scale) floor plan of your room or house. Or make one of an imaginary room/house.

5. Create a card game to play with your family, utilizing facts or information you are learning.

6. Start an anonymous letter writing ministry to encourage others.

7. Make a scrapbook page using photos or newspaper/magazine clippings or drawings.

8. Start a collection of favorite scriptures and quotes. Find a new one each day.

9. Keep a "book of the centuries" timeline.

10. Do research on the Internet about a famous person you have met through your reading. Write a short essay and share it with your family.

11. Make up a true/false questionnaire using the material you are studying and have family members participate.

12. Interview relatives and start a family memories album. You could also ask relatives to write their own stories to include in your album. Or write a family newsletter to share with others.

13. Do map work of one continent at a time, learning all of the country names and their positions on the map. (Make an outline map and fill it in as you go.)

14. Plan and cook a meal for the family.

15. Write up an exercise plan and stick to it. You could include other family members to participate.

16. While reading a book (biographies are great) jot down notes of the important aspects after the reading of each chapter, then rewrite the story in your own words. You could even make it into a book, booklet or e-book.

17. Keep a spiritual journal.

18. Memorize and/or act out a favorite poem.

19. Rewrite a poem, scripture, or paragraph by changing many of the existing words to a word meaning the same or something similar (synonym) and see how it changes.

20. Do a character study—choose a person and study their life, actions, character traits, mission, message, etc.

21.Write for a young ladies magazine (get a subscription to one) and/or critique or review articles.

22. Write a book review for Amazon.com or your local newspaper.

23. Listen to "Weird Al" and "Mark Lowry" type parody songs. Write and/or sing one of your own.

24. Do a nature study project. Keep a nature journal including drawings.

25. Find (or write your own) monologue and perform it for others. (Choose a character that is much different from your own.)

26. Make up an ad or commercial for a real or make believe product (written or oral).

27. Choose a famous painting you like and describe it. Convey the mood you feel. Try to capture the essence on your own similar painting or drawing.

28. Choose a craft and/or an experiment to do with your younger siblings.

29. Make up a healthy daily menu for your family, finding out what vitamins/minerals are necessary for optimum health.

30. Research and explore your neighborhood to find out what wild edible plants grow close to your home.

31. Study the night sky and your favorite constellations. Graph one of your own and name it.

32. Attend a play or concert and write a review or evaluation. 

33. Each child gets his very own garden plot to tend.

34. Start a new collection, and make plans for organization.

35. Learn/make calligraphy of your favorite quotes or scriptures.

36. Listen to classical music and write about the feeling or imaginations you feel while listening to it. Can you name the instruments you hear?

37. Study the life of a favorite author. Tell why you like his or her writing. (E. B. White and Beatrice Potter were two favorites.)

38. Write a short biography of a bible character, filling in from your imagination the details not provided in scripture.

39. Write a historical record of something that happened as if you had been there.

40. Take notes on a presentation, video or cassette lesson. This practice will come in handy!

41. Keep a record of all finances for your family for a month. Include all expenses, food, rent, payments, items purchased, bills, etc.

42. Make a chart or graph utilizing information gained by a topic you studied.

43. Research and compile information on an exotic place you'd like to visit.

44. Visit a museum (the one at the College of the Ozarks in Hollister, Missouri, is incredible) and tell/write about the one thing that amazed you the most.

45. Do a mural project with the whole family. (One idea is to make a family tree.)

46. Make a paper construction 3D model of something, (or just a creative original design.)

47. Make a pop-up 3D card for someone special.

48. Plan a surprise party for dad for no special reason.

49. After watching a TV program or movie, analyze it in light of Philippians 4:8.

50. Keep a memorable photographic journal of your hobbies and school projects. 

I'd love to hear some of your special homeschooling projects you've done or added to your list!

1 comment:

  1. What a great list of project ideas! Thanks for compiling this! I'm coming over from the Mom Tested Family Approved Ultimate Blog Hop!


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